Program at a Glance
The LL.M. Business Law (International) Program is the first international graduate law program to be offered in Thailand and has since produced a number of outstanding graduates currently pursuing unique legal careers in Thailand and other ASEAN countries. Prospective students to the LL.M. Business Law (International) Program include Thai and foreign legal practitioners, graduate students, and exchange students. One of the most distinctive aspects of the LL.M. Business Law (International) Program is the active participation by our two partner universities, as well as our collaborative efforts in accommodating visiting professors from each partner university teaching selected law courses and broadening opportunities for students to participate in an exchange program among leading international universities.
Student Life in the Program
With Faculty of Law’s central location in the heart of Bangkok, our LL.M. students can benefit from convenient public transportation to/from their classrooms. Faculty of Law is within minutes by walk from MRT Samyan Station, Charmchuri Square, and Samyan Mitr Town. Moreover, Chulalongkorn University provides students with a full range of social welfare services and benefits, including the use of libraries, sport centers, Wi-Fi computer access, a campus shuttle bus service, book discounts from the University Bookstore, and healthcare service from the health clinic and, in a more serious case, Chulalongkorn Hospital. Students can also use the co-working spaces which are scattered around the campus. While most LL.M. students choose to arrange their own accommodation, Chulalongkorn University International House (CU iHouse), which is a new 26-storey on-campus residence, remains an attractive option if a student wishes to live on-campus. All rooms are equipped with adequate facility including Internet Wi-Fi and TV, and students are advised to apply early to secure a room at
Program Structure
Thesis Track
- 2 years program
- Reduced coursework (8 courses for 27 credits)
- Second year devoted primarily to the completion of a 12-credits thesis
The thesis track requires 2 years of full-time study. The first year is dedicated to coursework and the second year to focus on the completion of a thesis, from June to July of the following year (24 ½ months). The thesis track also offers an opportunity to do some coursework. After all coursework and thesis is completed, the student will be required to defend their thesis in front of the thesis committee.
To obtain the basic LL.M. degree, students must complete 39 credits, with a grade point average of 3.0—the equivalent of a “B” average. Twenty-four of the credits are to come from coursework (8 different elective courses), consisting of 48 classroom hours each. The remaining 12 credits are earned by the completion of a thesis.
Non-thesis Track
- 1 year full-time study (August to August)
- Coursework (10 courses for 33 credits)
- Independent research paper (6 credits)
- Comprehensive examination
The non-thesis track (basic program) requires one year of full-time study and research, from August to August of the following year (about 12 and a half months). Course study is followed by time for completion of a research paper and public presentation of the student’s research findings.
To obtain the basic LL.M. degree, students must complete 39 credits, with a grade point average of 3.0—the equivalent of a “B” average. Thirty of the credits are to come from coursework (10 different elective courses), consisting of 48 classroom hours each. The remaining 6 credits are earned by the completion of an independent research paper.
Applying (January 13 – April 30, 2025)
Online application together with required supporting documents and receipt of application fee payment can be submitted through the online admission system at
Supporting documents
- Completed application form
- Payment evidence (application processing fee)
- The application processing fee can be paid through the Payment application
An applicant may make a payment via a website or a payment application of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) in accordance with the following steps:- Log in to the online payment system of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
- Please select “Bill Payment”
- COMP CODE is 0550 and please select Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University
- Ref.1 is ID numbers
- Ref. 2 is reference code for the program (code number 50) + 01 + 2568 + your mobile numbers (10-digit number)
Please upload the payment evidence (together with other supporting documents) to the online application system.
- The application processing fee can be paid through the Payment application
- One of your ID Photo, taken no longer than 6 months
- Copy of ID card or passport
- Copy of academic records
- Degree certificate(s) and a Transcript or
- A letter confirming student status and that an applicant is taking the last semester (in the case that an applicant has not finished the undergraduate program)
- State of purpose (not exceeding two A-4 pages)
- Personal profile and working experience
- Copy of English proficiency score
Courses offered
Remarks: An applicant who chose to apply online represents that all submitted documents are valid and accurate.
- Securities Regulation
- International Labor and Employment Law
- International Commercial Law
- Law for Business Tax Planning
- Legal Negotiation
- Transnational Business Regulation
- Advanced Law on Bankruptcy and Business Rehabilitation
- Advanced Intellectual Property Law
- Law Relating to Business Organization and Management
- International Economic Law and Institutions
- Law Relating to Corporate Crime
- Business and Investment Law in ASEAN Countries
- Advanced Criminal Law
Expected applicants
- Plan A Thesis Expected applicants 10 applicants
- Plan B Non-Thesis Expected applicants 20 applicants
Enrollment and Fee
Qualifications of applicants: Applicants must have earned a bachelor degree of laws (L.L.B. or equivalent degree in law)
English proficiency: Proof of English proficiency (recommended English proficiency minimum score of TOEFL 79 (iBT), CUTEP 80, or IELTS 6.0)
Tuition and Fees
Tuition payments are due at the beginning of every semester.
Thesis track costs
- The cost for the two-years thesis track is 456,000 THB
- The cost for the two-years thesis track + an optional all-inclusive overseas trip is 546,000 THB
Non-thesis track costs
- The total cost for the one-year non-thesis track is 416,400 THB
- The cost for the one-year non thesis track + an optional all-inclusive overseas trip is 506,400 THB
At the end of each course, students are required to take an examination, the format and the grading of which are up to the individual professor. Exams may be written or oral. In addition, pursuant to university regulations, non-thesis students are required to pass a comprehensive examination after completion of all coursework in order to be entitled to the LL.M. (Business Law) degree.
Individual Research Paper
Submission of an individual research paper is required to obtain the LL.M. degree in the non-thesis program. The paper earns 6-credits in the course “Individual Study in Business Law,” and the prescribed length is between 35 and 50 double-spaced pages (approximately 9,000 to 13,000 words). The result should be of publishable quality. Students must choose a legal topic within the scope of business law, and, on an announced date, submit their proposed topics and preliminary outlines to a committee for review and suggested improvement. Final approval to proceed is by the program’s Executive Committee. Each student must be supervised by a selected faculty advisor, and each year the program will publish a list of names of qualified persons. Should a student wish to conduct his or her research under the supervision of a legal scholar whose name is not on that list, the student must first seek and receive official approval by the program’s Executive Committee. The deadline for submission of the final independent research paper is on an announced date, generally near the end of June of the same academic year. Students are also required to present their research findings in public, normally around the middle of July. The paper itself will be graded primarily by the student’s advisor, but is subject to review and approval by the program’s Executive Committee. The public presentation of the research constitutes 20% of the overall final grade and will be judged by a committee composed of at least 3 professors appointed by the Executive Committee.
Academic Calendar (Trimester System)
- First Semester August – November
- Second Semester December – March
- Third Semester April – July
Each class consists of 3 hours per half day, 5 days a week, Mon-Fri, generally held 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., with a 15 minutes break around 10:30 a.m. In the event of any scheduling conflict and or holidays during the course, instructors may request or be required to teach an afternoon session (1-4 p.m.), separated by an hour lunch break
Program Administration
1. Assistant Professor Dr. Piti Eiamchamroonlarp | Program Director |
2. Miss Muna Kentasa | Program Assistant |
3. Miss Sirithida Ngeanthong | Program Assistant |
Contact the Program
LL.M. (Business Law) International Program
Address: Room 704, 7th Floor, Debdvaravati Building,
Faculty of law,
Chulalongkorn University,
Phayathai Road., Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Tel: +662-218-2019 and +662-218-2041

Miss Gu Xiao
2020 Graduate
This LL.M. Program of the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, has had a great impact on my academic study and personal life. It has given me the chance increase my professional knowledge and enhance relevant skills for legal practice. The whole period of study on the LL.M. Program has laid a solid foundation for my academic research in the future and inspired me to research further. And also, the LL.M. Program has offered me a chance to communicate with friends who are from different cultural backgrounds, which kept me open-minded. In short, this LL.M. Program is really suitable for people who are pursuing the study of academic law internationally and want to do international work in law.

Mr. Lei Zeng
The Chulalongkorn L.L.M. (International Business Law) program offered me special courses combining western wisdom and Asian practice. I learn from this program how to practice law in diversified Asian environments, not merely as a Chinese lawyer, but one with cross-border thinking. It taught me new skills for supporting Chinese investment across Asia and beyond, which is highly appreciated by enterprises and professional firms that intend to explore opportunities for the ever-growing Chinese business. This program paves a new path for my career.

Mr. Zeyar Nyunt Oo
Assistant Director, Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar
The LL.M. Program at the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, has greatly enhanced my knowledge and understanding of business law. In particular, the course has enabled me to develop the ability to draft and amend legal instruments and regulations that would provide a greater harmonization in the face of the challenges in socioeconomic sectors, and a better compliance with the international and ASEAN’s legal practices. Expert in their respective fields, the kind faculty always provided the students with valuable guidance. This, coupled with extensive academic resources in the law library, allowed us to tackle any research obstacle. I would like to strongly recommend the research route of the LL.M. Program, which allowed me to delve into socioeconomic issues of my country in order to figure out the best solution, in the supportive academic environment of the Faculty of Law.